

岘港(Đà Nẵng) - 胡志明市(Học Mỹ) - 大叻 (Đà Lạt) - 芽庄(Nha Trang) –顺化(Huế)–河内(Hà Nội) –下龙湾(Ha Long Bay) 这些是主流的旅游城市,当然你也可以选择去其他地方,比如: 会安古城(Hoi An Ancient Town)——位于庆和省的会安镇, 是座具有1千多年历史的古城. 顺化皇城/ 会安(Hue / Hoi An) ——属于顺化市和会安镇, 有许多历史古迹如皇宫、文庙等. 美奈(Mui Ne) —位于槟椥省, 是著名的阳光、沙滩及海浪之乡!


Binh Ba Beach, Bai Dai Beach, and the famous Mui Ne Sand Dunes;

Da Nang City: Cham Museum, Marble Mountains, and Lan Ha Bay;

Ho Chi Minh City: Reunification Palace and Dong Khoi Street, or "The Avenue of the Four Seasons";

Dien Bien Phu Battlefield: a major battlefield during the Vietnam War;

Hanoi: One Pillar Pagoda, Temple of Literature, and Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum;

Ha Long Bay : an Unesco World Heritage Site consisting mainly of thousands of limestone islets which have been eroded by water into amazing shapes, making this one of nature’s most beautiful treasures;

Hue Imperial City: 包括有皇帝们的陵墓与皇宫;而这里最有名的是一座寺庙,也就是 阮朝(Nam Bo) 的最后一位皇帝的寺庙,也是现今惟一还保留着的皇家寺院,叫做“法性寺”(Chua My Thuoc Vat);

My Son Sanctuary: A Buddhist sanctuary constructed from the 4th to the 13th century. You can only get there with organised tours as it requires a boat ride and then a 20 minute hike up some steep steps through dense vegetation, but if you do make the effort you will be rewarded with an incredible view over the surrounding area;

Sa Pa: Sa Pa is located at roughly 1500m above sea level, so the weather conditions are very different here than in the rest of Vietnam. In addition, the town is surrounded by mountains full of rice terraces, which makes for spectacular views! This place also has several ethnic minority villages, including Thai Hoa Binh, Ta Van, and Hang Ke;

Sapa: Sapa is known for having many scenic places, especially around the town itself. If you want to go on trekking you should check Sapa Trails and Sapa Adventure Tours for more information about them. There is another option though: just stay put right where you are! The hilltop village of Lao Chai and its neighboring village, Ta Van , offer great panoramic views over Sapa Valley without being too crowded with tourists that came mostly because they heard about the other ones. Also worth mentioning those two pretty


胡志明市、岘港、芽庄,河内 这些是旅游点(我都没去过) 海滩 - 芽莊 - 海防 - 巴地 - 富国岛 山和瀑布 - 会安 - 顺化 (这两个我没去) 这几个地方都很美,但我觉得芽庄最美!






7你认为越南还有哪一些景点比较好玩推荐的呢? 在我的印象中,越南是一个贫穷而落后的国家(至少对它的第一印象是这样)但是当你真正踏入这个国家的时候你会发现它其实非常的漂亮。虽然到处都是破烂不堪的小巷子和破旧的老街,但是也到处都有美丽的公园和干净的路面。这里没有高楼大厦也没有车水马龙,但是却有着独特的魅力让人着迷。
